Most of the iBooks we purchased from Apple iBooks store are in .ePub format that can only be recognized by iOS devices instead of some popular eBook readers like Kindle, Nook, Kobo, etc. In order to read the iBook ePub files on common eReaders, it's necessary to find a solution to convert the ePub files to a more widely used eBook format, like PDF that is supported by most popular eBook readers and devices. Here in the following article, we are going to show you the complete tutorial on converting the iBooks to PDF format with a few steps only.
Best Way to Convert iBooks ePub to PDF
Before we convert the iBook ePub to PDF, one important fact you can't ignore is that almost all the ePub files you purchased from iBooks store are all protected by DRM (Digital Rights Management) and can't be directly converted to other eBook formats unless the DRM is completely removed from the iBooks at the first place. Therefore, in order to get the DRM-ed iBooks to PDF format, it will require us to take two major steps, including removing DRM restriction from iBooks firstly with an iBook DRM removal tool and then converting the DRM-free iBooks ePub to PDF by using a professional eBook converter software.
Part 1. Bypass DRM Lock from Protected iBooks
The smart iBook DRM remover we are talking about here is TunesKit iBook Copy for Mac that is specially designed to unlock DRM protection from DRM-ed iBooks by making copy of DRM-free iBook ePub files with high quality at 30x faster speed. It's also able to retain the original meta info, including book author, book cover, publish date, etc. With this professional iBook DRM removal tool, you can easily get any DRM iBook file on any eReader, like the Amazon Kindle, Nook tablet, Kobo, Sony, and much more. Now please feel free to download the free trial of iBook Copy as below and begin to test it by yourself.
Step 1Import DRM iBooks to TunesKit iBook Copy for Mac
Firstly launch TunesKit iBook Copy for Mac on your computer running OS X 10.8, 10.9, 10.10 or 10.11. Then you can add the iBooks to the program either by clicking "Add Files" button in TunesKit or by dragging and dropping the DRM-protected iBooks to TunesKit.
Step 2Customize Output Settings
When the DRM iBooks are loaded successfully into TunesKit iBook Copy, you can adjust the output settings, like output folder as you like.
Step 3Begin to Remove DRM from iBook ePub Files
Now when all the settings are selected, you can begin removing the DRM from iBook ePub files by clicking "Convert" button.
It will take some time to get the whole DRM removal process done. The whole time is mainly depending on the total iBook files you are converting there. Normally it will work at 30x faster speed in copying each iBook.
Part 2. Convert DRM-free iBook ePub Files to PDF Format
Once the DRM restriction is completely cracked by TunesKit iBook Copy, you'll get the DRM-free iBook ePub files on your computer which will allow you freely convert them to PDF eBook format to be read on other eReaders. One of the best ePub to PDF eBook converter freeware is Calibre from calibre-ebook.com. You can download the proper version for your computer system and follow the steps as below to convert the non-DRM iBook ePub to PDF.
- 1. Open Calibre, click the "Add books" button at the top left corner to add the unprotected iBooks that need to be converted to it.
- 2. Click selected eBook and then click the "Convert books" button.
- 3. Then click on the "Output Format" option in the pop-up window and choose output format as PDF. Then Click "OK".
For more details about Calibre and the tutorial to convert DRM-free iBooks to PDF with Calibre, you can visit this guide: How to Convert DRM-free iBook ePub with Calibre >>
- How to Convert DRM iBooks to Amazon Kindle eReaders
- Difference Among ePub, Mobi, AZW, and PDF
- Top 10 Most Anticipated Books of 2016 on iBooks Store
- 3 Best Free eBook Readers for Mac
- Apple iBooks vs. Amazon Kindle: Which is Better
- How to Convert Audible AA/AAX Audiobooks to MP3
- How to Remove DRM from Protected iTunes Movies
- How to Convert iBooks to Android Devices
- How to Convert ePub eBooks to Mobi Format
- How to Bypass DRM from All Types of eBooks
- Complete Guide to Gift iBooks from iBooks Store and iTunes

Adam Gorden is an experienced writer of TunesKit who is obsessed about tech, movie and software.